Marcilino da Maia - Junior Full Stack Developer Portfolio

Explore my web development projects and programming skills as a junior full stack developer.

First of all

Responsive Web Design

My web development projects are designed with a focus on responsive design, ensuring they look great on any device.

woman using MacBook Pro
woman using MacBook Pro
Not to mention

Full Stack Development

As a full stack developer, I have Knoledge working with both front-end and back-end technologies to create robust web applications.

turned-on monitor displaying digital products
turned-on monitor displaying digital products
And let's not forget

Project Showcase

Check out my portfolio to see some of the web development projects I've worked on, including custom web applications.

two black computer monitors on black table
two black computer monitors on black table

About us

I'm Marcilino da Maia, a junior full stack developer with a passion for web development. With knowledge in both front-end and back-end technologies, I'm dedicated to creating responsive, user-friendly web applications that meet my clients' needs.

Ready to take your web development project to the next level? Contact me today.

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